Maximizing Solar Efficiency in Extreme Heat: A 2024 Guide

Sabrina Lopez
February 10, 2023
1 min read

[Originally published on February 10, 2023, | Updated on January 24, 2024 - 3 min read]

Maximizing Solar Efficiency in Extreme Heat: A 2024 Guide

In regions like Arizona, where temperatures soar, understanding the impact of heat on solar panels is crucial. Here are key considerations and strategies for 2024:

Heat vs. Sunlight: Understanding the Impact

While sunlight is essential for solar energy, extreme heat can reduce panel efficiency. Solar panels operate best at moderate temperatures; high heat can decrease energy conversion rates.

Strategies to Mitigate Heat Effects
  1. Proper Installation: Ensure sufficient airflow beneath panels for cooling. Consider the placement of micro-inverters and combiners in shaded areas to prevent overheating.

  2. Panel Selection: Choose solar panels with a favorable temperature coefficient. Panels designed to handle higher temperatures can maintain efficiency even in extreme heat. Lighter colored panels may also help in reducing heat absorption.

  3. Local Expertise: Engage a solar provider experienced in dealing with local climate conditions. They can offer tailored advice, considering factors like average summer temperatures and specific panel technology.

For more information on effectively managing your solar array in extreme heat, consider contacting us.