How to Find the Best Local Solar Company

Sabrina Lopez
July 28, 2020
4 min read

Shopping locally has numerous benefits, whether for groceries or a new solar energy system. When you shop local, you're not only keeping money in your local economy, but research also shows that by supporting small businesses, you're contributing to better wages, more local jobs, reducing poverty, and lower CO2 emissions associated with transporting goods from outside communities.

Many people assume that a big national brand is the way to go when it comes to going solar. Perhaps it's the convenience of name recognition or the false assumption that a big company will have more resources and financial stability. Sadly, the more these assumptions prevail, the more we see struggling solar energy systems that don't perform optimally with our unique utility rates or are not durable enough to withstand our harsh desert climate. Shopping local is a far better choice for Solar. In this blog, we dive into why this is and give you some tips on how to find the best local solar installation company in your area.


Benefits of a local solar installation company

You can reap additional benefits when choosing a local solar company to install your solar energy system. 

  • A local solar expert is more involved with and better equipped to adapt to local utility rates and incentive programs that can save you money.
  • Requirements and permitting regulations differ greatly from city to city. Local installers generally have a better understanding of these details and direct relationships with local regulatory departments.  
  • Many national brands are locked into a single financing model – specifically leases. Local providers generally offer a variety of financing options where customers benefit from faster ownership, as well as solar tax incentives
  • Local installers understand local climate conditions and are better equipped to offer products and installation techniques designed to last. This is particularly important in extreme climates like Arizona.

Although choosing a local solar company is a great choice, one thing to be critical of when looking for the right installation partner is to ensure they're not a bait-and-switch company that will be out of business in a few years. You will want to work with an established company, install and service the system they sell you, and be in business for the length of your solar investment. Below are a few ways to help you find the best local solar company.


Word of mouth 

More and more Arizonans are switching to clean and affordable solar energy, making friends, family, and neighbors a great starting point for your solar installer research. Ask them about their experience going solar, who they chose as their installer, other companies they liked during their research, and any advice they'd have for you beginning your solar journey. If you see a solar installation company installing in your neighborhood, don't be afraid to ask them any questions you might have about the process. Many companies also have referral programs that help spread the word about their services, so it could be a win-win for you and your neighbor to talk solar!


Online solar research

Online research is essential to find a reputable solar installation company that will create a solution specific to you.  Sites like Angie's List, Solar Reviews, the Better Business Bureau, and Rosie on the House are great places to research companies your friends or neighbors might have referred you to check out. Keep a sharp eye out for the quality of reviews, how long the company has been in business if they have a service department, and how much experience it has in residential and commercial installations. 


Amicus Solar Cooperative

While doing your online research, check out the Amicus Solar Cooperative members. The Amicus Solar Cooperative is a group of like-minded, highly ethical solar PV installers in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico dedicated to providing residents and businesses with the highest-quality solar energy systems. Amicus members are thoroughly vetted based on how long the company has been in business, its reputation, and the quality of artistry. Many Amicus members are also certified B-Corps and employee-owned—these are people who believe in solar, not just making a quick buck and moving on. 


With the 26% ITC ending, 2020 is surely the most important year for solar in more than a

decade. Contact one of our qualified solar integrators to start your solar project today!