Smart Questions for Solar Decision-Making

Sabrina Lopez
September 20, 2021
1 min read

[Originally published on September 20, 2021, | Updated on January 24, 2024 - 5 min read]

Smart Questions for Solar Decision-Making

Venturing into solar energy is a significant decision, and choosing the right solar provider is crucial. With various solar companies in the market, asking the right questions is essential to ensure a satisfactory and long-term solar experience. Here are six vital questions every solar customer should consider before committing to a solar installation.

1. Dedicated Project Guidance

Ask if you will have a dedicated project manager. This ensures a smooth process with a single point of contact for all your queries.

2. Panel Quality and Efficiency

Inquire about the brand and efficiency of the panels being installed. High-quality panels with strong warranties indicate a better long-term investment.

3. In-House or Outsourced Teams

Determine whether the company's in-house sales, installation, and service teams are. Companies with fully integrated teams tend to offer more consistent and reliable service.

4. Handling of Permits and Paperwork

Clarify who will manage the permits and paperwork. A good solar company will handle these administrative tasks, making the process hassle-free.

5. Response to Performance Issues

Understand how the company addresses performance issues and their estimated response time. Efficient customer service is crucial for long-term satisfaction.

6. Company Reviews and Reputation

Check online reviews to assess the company's reputation. Look for feedback on platforms like, Angi, and Google. This can give you a sense of the company's reliability and customer satisfaction.

Making an informed decision is key to a successful solar energy experience. Ask these questions and choose a solar provider that aligns with your needs and expectations.

For more detailed information and resources on solar energy, visit our homepage for more information.