Act Now: Maximize Benefits with Solar Before APS Reduces Buyback Rates

Sabrina Lopez
May 5, 2023
2 min read

[Originally published on May 5, 2023 | Updated on January 24, 2024 - 1 min read]

Seize the Solar Opportunity: Why Now is the Time to Switch Before APS Buyback Rates Drop

APS's Annual Buyback Rate Review: A Call to Action for Solar Enthusiasts

Like clockwork, APS is set for its annual review of solar energy buyback rates, effective September 1, 2023. This yearly occurrence, a trend since 2017, signals a prime opportunity for those on the fence about solar energy. Delay no longer – the time to act is to secure substantial savings.

Historically, APS tends to trim the buyback rates yearly, impacting future solar adopters post-September 1st deadline. The brighter side? You can secure a solar interconnection agreement before this date, and you're safe against these reductions for your contract's lifespan.

1. A Dwindling Solar Buyback Rate: A Trend You Can't Ignore

APS's shift from a net metering program in 2017 to an annual "export rate" review has consistently decreased buyback rates. The current rate of 8.46 cents per kWh is anticipated to drop after September 1, continuing a downward trend. Here's a glimpse of the rate changes over the years:

  • 2017-2018: 12.9 cents/kWh
  • 2018-2019: 11.61 cents/kWh
  • 2019-2021: 10.45 cents/kWh
  • 2021-2022: 9.405 cents/kWh
  • 2022-2023: 8.465 cents/kWh

2. A Decade of Security: Locking in Your Solar Contract

Are you jumping on the solar bandwagon with APS? Doing so now means a 10-year guarantee of today's rates. Please act quickly to finalize your solar energy design and APS grid connection and protect against future rate fluctuations.

3. APS's Proposed Rate Hike: Another Reason to Go Solar Now

Beyond the buyback rate drop, APS is eyeing a 13-23% customer bill increase, averaging $18 more per month. This proposed hike, potentially starting December 1, 2023, underscores the urgency of locking in your solar contract to fend off escalating energy costs.

4. Beat the Rush: Start Your Solar Journey Today

Solar installation is a process entangled in various external timelines and backlogs. By initiating your APS solar project now, you'll be ahead of the end-of-year rush, reaping the benefits of reduced utility bills sooner.

5. Capitalize on Attractive Solar Incentives

The 30% federal solar investment tax credit, extended by the Inflation Reduction Act, is a significant draw. This credit, alongside a standalone 30% energy storage tax credit and Arizona's $1,000 solar tax exemption, is an ideal time to embrace solar energy.

Embrace Arizona's Sunshine and Save

Ready to leverage Arizona's sunshine for maximum solar savings? Reach out for a personalized APS solar quote.

*you can access the APS Rate Rider PDF here for more information about the APS deadline.