Multi-generational households are becoming much more common in recent years. A recent study by Generations United shows that multi-generational households have increased to almost 20% since the 2007 recession, with an estimated 50 – 62 million Americans currently living with parents or adult children. That percentage continues to rise each year.
There are many reasons why so many families have decided to bring more than one generation under a single roof. In some cases, family units are moving their adult children back in to help support a transition from college or other periods of financial struggle. In other cases, elderly parents move into their children’s homes to ease physical care during their golden years. No matter the reason for making this decision, one thing is clear. This change will have an impact on the dynamic of the household, as well as the resources required to maintain a comfortable and safe living environment.
Many families report experiencing emerging tensions they hadn’t considered after the move. Moreover, bringing more people into a home (including some there throughout the day) also increases the demand for necessities like food, electricity, and water. Often, families don’t realize how costly the change can be until they receive the first month's utility bills. Some families find it helpful or necessary to share the increased financial burden, while others find themselves looking outside the home for a different solution.
Adding a solar energy system to your expanding household is one of the most cost-effective ways to lower the increased utility burden of a multi-generational household significantly. It’s simple math – the more energy you generate, the less you purchase from the utility. And since a skilled solar consultant will customize a system specifically to your usage patterns and growth plan, a well-designed solar energy system will provide just the right amount of power for years to come.
So choose to add solar to your home, and stop worrying about grandma turning up the AC or your kids watching a 15-hour Fast & Furious marathon on Netflix. Even if you previously found that solar didn’t offer a large enough financial return, those returning millennials or in-laws out for an “extended visit” have probably made the solar equation worth a second look.
To find out how Sun Valley Solar Solutions can help you manage the increased utility costs of making your home multi-generational, we invite you to request a custom solar quote from one of our solar experts today. You can also download our complimentary solar whitepaper, which helps you learn about the important factors that can impact your ROI.