4 Tricks to Treat Yourself to a Green Halloween

Halloween is one of the most beloved holidays for children. With all the delicious candy and fun costumes, who can blame them? Even if you’re an adult, people look forward to celebrating this spooky day for many reasons. 

But one thing that spooks us here at Sun Valley Solar Solutions is how unsustainable Halloween is. The plethora of candy wrappers that are just thrown away, the multitude of costumes produced that are only worn once a year, and the waste of pumpkins are a few items that can be improved upon. So in light of the festivities, we wanted to share four easy tricks to make your or your child’s Halloween greener.


1. Borrow or make costumes

In 2019, Americans planned to spend an average of $86 total for costumes, candy, and decorations, with the largest chunk going to costumes. This adds up to be much unnecessary financial and environmental waste that could’ve been avoided by borrowing or making your or your child’s costume. See what your friends are going as or if they have any old costumes you could borrow. Better yet, try your hand at creating yours from scratch. Both ways help to reduce the plastic waste and energy needed to create new costumes every year.


2. Better treats with no tricks

Buying locally sourced and made treats is another easy way to green up your Halloween. Not only do you support your local community by purchasing from local businesses keeping the money in your local economy – but you also help cut emissions and energy used for transporting candy. Another way to make your treats more environmentally friendly is to look for treats that have minimal packaging or that are packaged in recycled materials.


3. Craft your decorations

Decorations are one of the most fun things about Halloween, but they can also be wasteful. Second to only Christmas, this day typically uses a lot of non-recyclable plastics. Still, with a little creativity, decorations can be one of the most sustainable parts of your Halloween festivities. Using pumpkins and gourds can help create a natural, autumnal look. Cardboard boxes can be tombs, and old egg cartons can be turned into bats. There are a ton of decorations you can create out of everyday items around your house.


4. Use your pumpkin to the fullest

The later you buy your pumpkin, the less time it’ll have to rot. This is useful to remember because if you buy too early, you could throw it out before it’s even Halloween, which might tempt you to buy and carve another for the actual day. Buy it late enough to ensure it’ll be on your doorstep for trick or treating. Buying from a local farm or farmer’s market is also great for greening up your pumpkin.

Another pumpkin tip: instead of throwing away the seeds after carving, try putting a little salt on them and toasting them for a tasty treat. Once you’ve gotten all you can from your pumpkin, compost the gourd to make as minimal impact as possible.


If you’re looking for more ways to make your life more sustainable, we invite you to download our complimentary whitepaper: Is Solar Right for You?  to explore if solar is the right choice for you and your home.

About the Author

Kyle Ritland, Marketing and Customer Experience

Kyle Ritland, Marketing and Customer Experience

After working in technology marketing throughout the Pacific Northwest and Silicon Valley for more than 20 years, Kyle opted to follow his heart and focus his talents in solar energy.

As the head of Marketing at Sun Valley Solar Solutions, Kyle works hard to demystify the ever-changing solar landscape in Arizona and across the country. He especially enjoys helping people separate fact from fiction by presenting solar transparently and accurately, rather than relying on hype or deceptive marketing tactics that are far too common with some solar companies.

When not touting the benefits of solar, encouraging his friends to opt for paper over plastic, or growing his own vegetables, Kyle is generally found hiking with his pointer Bravo or preparing a home-cooked meal for friends.

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